

VMware ESXi

什么是VMware vSphere?VMware vSphere不是特定的产品或软件。VMware vSphere是整个VMware套件的商业名称。VMware vSphere堆栈包括虚拟化,管理和界面层。VMware vSphere的两个核心组件是ESXi服务器和vCenter Server...

裸机云快速部署利器 Ubuntu MAAS

Deploy any OS image on any hardwarehttps://cn.ubuntu.com/blog/ubuntu-maas-installation-tutorial

Multipass Ubuntu 虚拟机管理器

一. Multipass 是什么?Multipass 是一个轻量级 Linux 虚拟机命令行管理工具,支持 Linux、Windows 与 macOS。二. 为什么要用 Multipass能够以最小的成本和资源在本地快速搭建具备完整 Ubuntu 功能小型虚拟机集群(如测试 K8s各类特性、数...

加速 macOS 应用启动

绕过 Apple 启动应用时连接 Apple 服务器的验证。这样可以有效提升应用加载速度。sudo vim /etc/host127.0.0.1 ocsp.apple.com

CentOS Stream

EPEL 镜像使用帮助

EPEL(Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux)是由Fedora Special Interest Group 维护的 Enterprise Linux(RHEL、CentOS)中经常用到的包。What is Extra Packages for Enterp...


国内软件源加速brewcd "$(brew --repo)" git remote set-url origin https://mirrors.aliyun.com/homebrew/brew.git cd "$(brew --repo)/Library/Tap...

How to easily remove old kernels in Ubuntu 20.04 LTS?

remove_old_kernels.sh#!/bin/bash # Run this script without any param for a dry run # Run the script with root and with exec param for removing old ...

How to grant all privileges to root user in MySQL 8.0

Starting with MySQL 8 you no longer can (implicitly) create a user using the GRANT command. Use CREATE USER instead, followed by the GRANT statemen...