Automatic Snapshots for Google (gcloud) Compute Engine
Bash script for Automatic Snapshots and Cleanup on Google Compute Engine. Requires no user input!
Inspiration (and the installation instructions) taken from AWS script aws-ec2-ebs-automatic-snapshot-bash
How it works will:
- Determine the Instance ID of the Google Compute Engine server on which the script runs
- Get all the Disk IDs attached to that instance
- Take a snapshot of each Disk
- The script will then delete all associated snapshots taken by the script for the Instance that are older than 7 days (optional: default snapshot retention can be changed by using -d flag)
must be installedThe VM must have the sufficient gcloud permissions, including "compute" set to "enabled":
- The version of gcloud is up to date:
gcloud components update
ssh on to the server you wish to have backed up
Install Script: Download the latest version of the snapshot script and make it executable:
cd ~
chmod +x
sudo mkdir -p /opt/google-compute-snapshot
sudo mv /opt/google-compute-snapshot/
To manually test the script:
sudo /opt/google-compute-snapshot/
Setup CRON: You should then setup a cron job in order to schedule a daily backup. Example cron for Debian based Linux:
0 5 * * * root /opt/google-compute-snapshot/ >> /var/log/cron/snapshot.log 2>&1
Please note: the above command sends the output to a log file: /var/log/cron/snapshot.log
- instructions for creating & managing the log file are below.
Manage CRON Output: You should then create a directory for all cron outputs and add it to logrotate:
Create new directory:
sudo mkdir /var/log/cron
Create empty file for snapshot log:
sudo touch /var/log/cron/snapshot.log
Change permissions on file:
sudo chgrp adm /var/log/cron/snapshot.log sudo chmod 664 /var/log/cron/snapshot.log
Create new entry in logrotate so cron files don't get too big :
sudo nano /etc/logrotate.d/cron
Add the following text to the above file:
/var/log/cron/*.log { daily missingok rotate 14 compress notifempty create 664 root adm sharedscripts }
Snapshot Retention
By default snapshots will be kept for 7 days, however they can be kept for longer / shorter, by using the the -d flag:
Usage: ./ [-d <days>]
-d Number of days to keep snapshots. Snapshots older than this number deleted.
Default if not set: 7 [OPTIONAL]